It's getting harder baby boy.

2019 December 22

Created by Debra 4 years ago
since the day i heard those awful words, my heart hasn't truely beat. Oh I've carried on, been strong, showed everyone the support and care the needed, but here and now as our final goodbye approaches, I've come to realise that I've been oh so strong because my darling precious boy, you took my soul and left a gaping hole the day your heart stopped beating. I'm numb to pain, I've no tears to cry, I know I should but it would do no good, I could cry for a year and not one single tear would bring you back to me. So I'll carry on, ill keep being strong because that's all I can be. Strong for your daddy, strong for your brothers, strong for your sisters and I'll be strong for me, then when I'm not strong enough anymore, when it's time for me to close my door, when my babies are grown and daddy is old, il find you my son and I'll be whole because you'll be waiting my boy with half of my heart and all of my soul.
